Infographic Project.

This project was assigned with the intent of thinking outside the box. I was tasked with creating an infographic for a topic that would be eye-catching, informative, & abnormal (in a good way, of course).

With this project I decided on a topic… & since I was graduating college, in a pit of denial, I chose:



Bright colors to catch attention.

Childlike feel.

Cute character.


Since this project was an infographic, I not only had to design the layout for the topic, but I also had to research my topic to get information to fill the space that I was given.

Blocking Process

Started the design of the Infographic by blocking out where different information could go. The Grayscale was extremely helpful in the beginning stages because I wasn’t super connected to one set-up over another.

Once I got to a point where I liked the layout, I started to add color.

The Finished Product!

Overall, I felt this project to be challenging in the beginning stages. Figuring out what topic to choose proved difficult. Then researching said topic took a lot of time where I would have rather spent time on the design process. This project was very fast-paced and was a fun challenge.


Modular Typography


Kinetic Typography